Sunday, May 24, 2009


A turning point came in my life,

Dark, very dark and so very quiet,
As if nobody could hear me,
Restless and keen I was, to,
Know what's wrong, why I was,

Surrounded with infinite silence,
I wanted to scream but my voice was choked,
Languid I was, with no hope,
Escape I wanted but had no hope,
Not now, not again,
Tired and fatigued, but couldn't move on,

Groan in agony, as emotions melt from my heart
Result was in tears, leaving my eyes,
Although I loved silence,
Voices but I now wanted for sure,
Eager, bolstering words from my loved ones


P.S( Maverick thank you so much for help and you know what i wrote it keeping you in mind, imagining you and myself off course)
P.S.S( Its dedicate to me and maverick exclusively) heheh


  1. Maryum said...
    u r doing gud my dear parri:)
    Maverick said...
    Luv da idea from da start! I mean da topic itself set da ball rolling! nd den u did an awesome job to make it even more beautiful!

    Gr8 Acrostic!

    No need to thank me fr da help....As I said..I'll b around! :)

    As for da dedication nd da thought behind da poem, all I can say is am thoroughly honoured! Merci` madame! :)

    Neem Murad'a said...
    hey.. how i mean from where you got the idea? I made this tittle of your poem as my blog's head without even knowing that you wrote something on it.. err.. I mean.. dont take me wrong but.. i feel some connection with it..

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